Random Thoughts on Racism

Maybe the reason why it is so hard for white people to deal with this country’s racist past is because so many of their wonderful childhood memories were because of America's racism.

All the summer vacations at segrated beaches and pools...

The high school dances where they fell in love and also supported keeping blacks out of that same school either actively or with their silence.

The lunch counter where they would grab an ice cream float with their parents where peaceful protestors were attacked while trying to integrate.

The wonderful neighborhood where they forged life-long friendships not knowing that same neighborhood purposefully kept out African-American families.

Shopping in a store for that perfect dress without being followed or questioned.

The school project where you were able to trace your family’s lineage all the way back to its country of orgin. While many African-Americans only know who bought and sold them as their first family memories.

How many wonderful dinner parties silently served by Black staff members are now nothing more than happy times.

Nobody wants to wake up and realize the memories that brought them so much joy were made possible by a country that elevated them over people of color, or maybe they don't want those memories to end.

Just a thought #myrandomthoughtsonrace

Kourtney Square

I’m a writer, reader, and proud Blerd (Black Nerd). I love educating through art and popular culture. I have worked in corporate America since the age of twenty-three while also being a member of several community groups who, through the arts, exposed countless numbers of ethnic and racially diverse groups to the Black experience. As the WATSA? Learning Liaison, I dig up and share history most people have never heard.


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