My Truth
I'm done shielding people from the truth out of concern for their feelings or if I might lose them as a friend, particularly my white friends. If the truth about systemic racism causes me to lose a friend, they weren't a friend in the first place. I'm not going to rant, rave, be ugly, use bad language, etc. The truth doesn't need all that. I'm just going to stare it down for what it is.
I've had calls and posts from white friends wondering what they can do. My reaction has been blunt---stop being complicit with the system and start working to tear it down. Stop agreeing by your silence that systemic racism is okay. The old United Negro College Fund slogan was "We’re not asking for a handout, just a hand." Well, I don't want a handout or a hand, I want your hand off my shoulder holding me back and your knee off my neck killing me.
If you see a wrong and you've got the power to right it, get on it. My mantra is: Systemic Racism: See it; Say it; Confront it. Next step, dismantle it!