My Two Cents: What Does “Woke” or “Stay Woke” Really Mean?

It’s Tuesday and time for my two cents.

When Black people use the phrase stay woke, it is shorthand to remind them to be aware of and actively engaged with important issues, especially racial and social injustice situations, i.e. stay vigilant. As with many terms like CRT, DEI, affirmative action, etc. "stay woke" has been coopted by both the right and left twisting and corrupting its real meaning.

Liberals connote woke with being kind to and supportive of marginalized people and their agendas. Those on the right reference woke sarcastically to disparage leftist and progressive movements. Neither is correct.

It's simple, "stay woke" means keep your eyes and ears open to what's happening around you since it very well could be harmful, thus you'll be prepared to be proactive rather than reactive. Considering the onslaught of systemically racist acts we're currently witnessing, staying woke is imperative.

Dr. Carol François

I’m a lifetime educator who uses learning as a catalyst for positive change. I began my 30+ years in education at age three teaching my dolls on the doorstep outside our home. Since that career starter, I’ve served in a variety of roles including Associate Commissioner of Education for the state of Texas; Chief of Staff for the Dallas Independent School District in Dallas, Texas; Assistant Superintendent in Wake County Public Schools, North Carolina; director of learning for a 10,000 member international education association; department director at a regional education service center; as well as grade-level principal and dean of instruction in two large urban school districts. Education and learning are in my DNA, and my goal is to use my skills for the betterment of the world

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